🚗 Do your NFTs have any utility?

Some people understand NFTs only as unique static graphic assets, which might not be completely wrong... however, in the Cyverse there are many completely useful NFTs such as lands, stores, buildings, vehicles, and many others.

This is exactly what happens inside the Cyverse. Here , vehicles are unique ERC1155 non-fungible tokens with very limited stock. Owning one of this will let you drive a luxury car, motorcycle or even 'something' that flies (if you are capable of discovering it 😶). This will allow you to move faster than any other normal citizen and take entire advantage of your time. Also, who wouldn't accept a ride into the city? Choose wisely your adventure partner.

Also, they look amazing as a collection piece. You can park them outside your store / house and get everybody's attention. Don't worry, nobody's going to steal your precious. You are the only one who can drive it.

💎 There are many kinds of rare and luxury cars, but have you ever owned a real unique vehicle?

On another point, in February 2022 Alfa Romeo announced that its new SUV (Alfa Romeo Tonale) will come with a digital NFT certificate. This NFT will record vehicle data, including whether it has been serviced or not. Additionally, more car companies are taking NFTs very seriously and automative NFTs will most likely have a future in some shape or form.

It's not a surprise that most of these companies are luxury brands. They will slowly start implementing their 3D models into the metaverse. As the inmersive mechanics are already done, Cyverse is open to be the first project on including these unique pieces as functional 3D graphics.

This is the Cyverse. Welcome 😉